At the house of Pro Piece VSP, our goal is to provide you with the highest quality products and services. However, we understand that you may need to return an item for various reasons. That's why we've created this clear and fair return help page, with the goal of providing you with a hassle-free shopping experience. Please take the time to read the information below carefully-below to learn more about the details of our return policy.
First of all, it is imperative to return the product(s) to us in their original condition, clean, without any sign of assembly, in their original packaging with labels and with all the accessories included (screws or other). Without this, any return request will be refused.
Make a return request *
Lead-you to your order history in your customer account.
Please click on the details of one of your orders book for which you wish to return a product. Ensure-you that the command in question has been received less than 14 days ago (maximum time to return products to us).
At the end of the "Order Details" page, you will find a button labeled "Return Request" that you can click.
When you reach the return request page, please follow the steps below.
1 - Select the product you want to return to us by checking it.
2 - Indicate the quantity you wish to return.
3 - Choose the type of return you prefer.
4 -Select the reason for the return.
5 - Write a brief description of your return.
6 - Accept our return conditions.
7 - Just submit your request and you're done.
Please note that it is necessary to submit a separate request for each product reference you wish to return.
*No returned package will be processed without a return request having been made and accepted beforehand.

2ND STEP - RETURN OF THE PACKAGE - (After acceptance of your return request only)
Product packaging
When preparing your return package, it is essential to use a suitable box which will ensure adequate protection of the product during transport. You should opt for a strong enough box that will ensure the safety of the item for the duration of the journey. Ideally, choose new cardboard, as it offers better strength and stability compared to used cardboard. A new box also reduces the risk of damage from pre-existing wear.
Additionally, ensure-sure the carton is the correct size for your product. A box that is too big can cause excessive movements inside the packaging, which increases the risk of damage to the product during transport. On the other hand, a box that is too small can compromise the protection of the product by compressing it or forcing it against the walls of the packaging.
It is therefore important to strike a balance by choosing the right size box for your product. You can measure the dimensions of the item and select a carton that will allow it to fit comfortably, with enough room to add additional cushioning materials. In this way, you will ensure optimal protection of the product and reduce the risk of damage during transport.

Protect the product(s)
Ensure-protect you adequately. Use bubble wrap, crinkle paper, air cushions or other protective material to prevent the product from moving inside the packaging. This will reduce the risk of damage during transport.
Before resealing the packaging, make sure-you to remove all irrelevant or superfluous elements. This includes previous delivery labels, stickers, or other accessories that could be confusing

Return slip
Once the product(s) have been placed in the appropriate packaging, be sure to insert the return slip and the copy of the purchase invoice.
In the case of a product exchange, you must also attach a copy of the gray card of your vehicle.

Seal the package carefully
Use quality tape to securely seal the package. Ensure-you that all openings are well sealed to avoid loss or damage during transport.
By following these simple tips, you will maximize your chances of returning the product in good condition. Remember that the quality of the packaging reflects your commitment to handling the return in a professional manner.

Sending the package
Once you have completed the previously mentioned steps, it is recommended that you ship the package with a carrier of your choice using a signature delivery service. This reduces the risk of loss of the package and ensures optimal traceability of the shipment.
The return address:
Pro Piece VSP
After Sales Service (SAV)
2 Industry Street
34140 Mèze
Do not forget to keep your deposit slip and the parcel number carefully. If you have any questions regarding the return process, do not hesitate to contact our After Service-Sale (SAV) on 04 28 10 08 22, by pressing the key N° 3. You can also contact us via our contact form available on our site in your customer account.
After Service-Sale (SAV) is open Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Please note that the After Service process-Sale (SAV) can take up to two weeks.
The return procedure is an essential component of the terms of Sales of