Payment by bank card:Once selected, click "Commander".You will be redirected to a secure Systempay page, from the Banque Populaire group, where you can choose your type of credit card.You will then need to provide your valid credit card information, and then confirm the payment.Your account will be charged within 24 hours of the order.
Systempay uses the Secure V2 3D protocol to guarantee the security of your payments by bank card.The 3D Secure aims to enhance transaction security and facilitate online payments by analyzing a wide range of data, using biometric authentication and providing improved and consistent online experience.Depending on your bank, the protocol can ask you for authentication in different forms, such as a SMS code, a biometric solution via a mobile application or a connection to your online bank.

Payment via PayPal:If you choose the payment via PayPal, you will be redirected to the secure PayPal page when ordering.You can connect to your PayPal account and make the payment, or simply use PayPal with your bank card, without having to create a PayPal account in advance.No additional fees will be applied.
You also have the option to pay your order in 4 times free via PayPal, for an amount between 30€ and 2000€.To use this payment option, you must have a PayPal account.

Payment by bank transfer:Once selected, click "Commander".You will then receive an e-email confirmation of your order containing a command reference to be indicated in the object of your transfer.All bank details necessary to make the transfer will be provided in this e-email.We will validate your order upon receipt of the payment.The processing time may vary depending on the banks, up to 72 hours.Some banks also offer instant transfer, which is then done immediately.